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What Is Reiki?


Originating in Tibet over 2,500 years ago, Reiki is a hands-on healing modality that promotes deep relaxation and healing. Rediscovered and developed by Sensei Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist Monk. Reiki literally translates to “Universal Life Force Energy.” This energy sustains all life and has a profound healing quality.  Reiki quiets and balances the system, lowers blood pressure and promotes a deep state of relaxation.


Sessions are clothed, and clients lay comfortably on a massage table. During a session, the Reiki Practitioner gently lays their hands on the client, and the Reiki energy flows through the practitioner’s hands. Often the pleasant sensation of heat being transferred from practitioner to client is experienced, though each session is unique and experiences can vary from person to person. By addressing and restoring flow to energy blocks in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body, Reiki reduces stress, restores balance and results in healing.













What is Shamanic Reiki?



Shamanic Reiki is rooted in Nature, Earth Honoring & channels Universal Life Force Energy to release blockages throughout your entire Body & Auric System. Cleansing & Revitalizing your Chakras. Deepening your connection to Yourself and to your circle of resources: Earth, Trees, Mountains, Spirit Animals, Elements & Ancestors. 


Shamanic Healing is a powerful, transformative modality that helps us shed emotional traumas, blockages, burdens, old beliefs and baggage that keep us from being the best versions of ourselves. 


Here are some reasons to engage in shamanic healing:


  • You are on a spiritual path and need deeper guidance and support

  • You struggle with physical or mental health issues that you have been unable to resolve using conventional therapies

  • You feel stuck or unable to move forward in your life due to past trauma, family history, or beliefs that no longer serve you

  • You have a strong desire to connect more deeply with the natural living world to find guidance, joy, and inspiration

  • You struggle with anxiety, fear, depression, or a lack of purpose and want to bring back the spark of life into your conscious awareness

  • You are at a crossroads in your life and need guidance on how to move forward in alignment with your true purpose

  • You struggle with friendships and relationships and yearn for a deeper, meaningful connection

































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